
Palette surgeonfish


Palette surgeonfish are born fully yellow and become blue with age. However, only the caudal fin remains yellow. They have one or more pairs of sharp blades there, associated with venomous glands, which are used in defence and attack. They occur in clear waters, with currents and near coral reefs. The young ones, especially, swim in groups a few metres above the bottom and near Pocillopora eydouxi coral heads which give them protection.


These fish are very important in their habitat. Their small mouth allows them to feed on algae they easily pick from uneven surfaces. Groups of palette surgeonfish remove the fast growing algae from sponges in their habitat. Therefore, sponges benefit and the habitat remains clean.


This is a very popular species in aquariums, but what made it famous was the Disney/Pixar character Dory, in the movie ‘Finding Nemo’.