
Threespot dascyllus


The threespot dascyllus is also called the domino because of the three dots is has on its small body. Adults may lose the spot in the head and acquire a new one on the dorsal fin. It inhabits rocky or coral reefs and, especially as juveniles, hides amongst the branched corals, on the sea anemone’s tentacles and even amongst the sea urchins spines! It swims in large groups.


Its range includes several marine protected areas, therefore this species is not threatened. However the coral reefs they inhabit are facing serious survival challenges. They are threatened by pollution, overfishing, physical destruction by ship traffic, and climate change. If the coral’s destruction continues at the present rate, 70 percent of the world’s reef will disappear within 50 years from now.


During the breeding season, females lay the eggs on the substrate. The male parent is responsible for guarding and aerating the eggs until they hatch.