
Conservation support - Project Piaba

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The Oceanário de Lisboa financially supports the PIABA project in the Rio Negro region (Amazon, Brazil), which mission is to increase the environmental, animal welfare and social sustainability of the Amazonian aquarium fish trade. By promoting this industry the project contributes to the conservation of the Amazonian rainforests through their inhabitants, including a great number of tribes.

This support enables education and training of local communities, generating diverse benefits and environmental good practices culture.

40.000 people are impacted in the riverine communities where the ornamental fishery is the principal suBsistence activity.
1.000 families called "PiaBeros" fish along the Rio Negro capturing small fish quietly and gently, By hand. Unwanted fish are released instantly where they are caught.

Learn more about the Piaba project: http://projectpiaba.org/who-we-are/